am Ende von 2019 wird es ja wohl höchste Zeit, dass sich hier noch einmal die BiWuBärchen vorstellen, die mir in diesem Jahr von der Nadel gehüpft sind - und es gibt auch noch zwei aus dem Vorjahr, die hier noch keinen Auftritt hatten... Wir beginnen am Ende und damit mit Cloude (nur echt mit dem "e" am Ende), den ich als Weihnachtsgeschenk für Betsy gemacht habe.
… at the end of 2019 it's really time that all BiWuBearies get introduced here which hopped from my needle this year - and there are even two from the year before that haven't been presented here yet… We're starting at the end and this means with Cloude (important: with an "e" at the end) who was made for Betsy as a Christmas gift.
… at the end of 2019 it's really time that all BiWuBearies get introduced here which hopped from my needle this year - and there are even two from the year before that haven't been presented here yet… We're starting at the end and this means with Cloude (important: with an "e" at the end) who was made for Betsy as a Christmas gift.
Angelico hat sich auf den Weg zu Giac nach Kanada gemacht und wird dort als Schutzengelbärchen auf Giacs Sohn aufpassen.
Angelico has left to live with Giac in Canada and will keep watch over Giac's son as a guardian angel beary.
Angelico has left to live with Giac in Canada and will keep watch over Giac's son as a guardian angel beary.
Nur kurz vor Cloude und Angelico wurde mit Lady Ginger de Winter (genannt Ginny) eine neue Schneelady fertig - ein Geschenk, das meine Mutter in ihrem Adventskalender gefunden hat.
A little before Cloude and Angelico a new snow lady called Lady Ginger de Winter (short: Ginny) was finished - a gift my Mom has found in her Advent calendar.
A little before Cloude and Angelico a new snow lady called Lady Ginger de Winter (short: Ginny) was finished - a gift my Mom has found in her Advent calendar.
Lady Tatiana de Winter war ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für meine Mutter - und weil sie voller Stolz einen Hut und eine Tasche trägt, die Tatiana uns 2018 zu Weihnachten geschenkt hat, ergab sich ihr Name ganz von selbst.
Lady Tatiana de Winter was a birthday gift for my Mom - and because she proudly wears a hat and a bag Tatiana gave to us as a Christmas gift in 2018 her name was easy to choose.
Lady Tatiana de Winter was a birthday gift for my Mom - and because she proudly wears a hat and a bag Tatiana gave to us as a Christmas gift in 2018 her name was easy to choose.
Rechtzeitig zum 1. Dezember 2018 fanden Pinky und P.i.P. (kurz für "Pretty in Pink) ihren Weg in den Adventskalender meiner Mutter. P.i.P. stammt von LugArt Petit.
Just in time for December 1st 2018 Pinky and P.i.P. (short for "Pretty in Pink") found their way into the Advent calendar of my Mom. P.i.P. was made by LugArt Petit.
Just in time for December 1st 2018 Pinky and P.i.P. (short for "Pretty in Pink") found their way into the Advent calendar of my Mom. P.i.P. was made by LugArt Petit.
Kurz vorher ist Soleil, genannt Solly, entstanden - ein Weihnachtsgeschenk für Drora.
A little before Soleil, called Solly, was made - a Christmas gift for Drora.
A little before Soleil, called Solly, was made - a Christmas gift for Drora.
Und damit sind wir sowohl hier als auch in der BiWuBären-Galerie endlich wieder auf dem Laufenden. Mal sehen, wer in 2020 noch so dazu kommen wird... ;O)
And with this we are here as well as in the Gallery of the BiWuBears finally up to date again. Let's see who will join the gang in 2020... ;O)
And with this we are here as well as in the Gallery of the BiWuBears finally up to date again. Let's see who will join the gang in 2020... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
4 Kommentare:
Das ist eine schöne Galerie. Jedes Bärchen mit viel Charme und seinem persönlichen Charakter.
Ich wünsche euch einen gesunden und ruhigen Jahresabschluss
Liebe Grüße
Dearest Birgit,
I have a lot to thank you for. First of all, for making me! Then, for sending me to a country where I don't have to use a snow shovel and have sunshine almost all year round. For appointing me to take good care of Drora and I do my best to make her and Baalatova happy. Drora lets me read every single Post that comes from your blog so that I miss very little of what goes on in our family. I would have loved to spend Christmas with you but the Hanukkah parties are fun too.
Say Hello for me to all my brothers and sisters including those who are with other friends all over the world.
Happy New Year
Hugs and kisses,Solly
muy muy feliz nuevo año!
You, bears, are adorable!
Happy New Year 2020 Birgit and bears!
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